Common terms the protocol spaces are explained below with their full forms.
3GP.................3GPP file format
AAC.................Advanced Audio Coding
ADSL................Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop
AMR-WB+............ Extended Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband Codec
ASF................ Advanced Streaming Format
ATM................ Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AVC................ Advanced Video Coding
AVI................ Audio-Video Interleave
BIFS................BInary Scene description
BIFS................Binary Format for Scenes
CD-ROM..............Compact Disk-Read-Only Memory
CIF................ Common Intermediate Format
CLEI................Common Language Equipment Identification number.......... |..which will help in uniquely identifying a particular equipment with great precision for inventory purposes.
CODEC.............. enCODer/DECoder
CTMS................Cable Modem Termination System
DVD-ROM............ Digital Video Disk-Read-Only Memory
Enhanced aacPlus....MPEG-4 High Efficiency AAC plus MPEG-4 Parametric Stereo
FDDI................Fiber Distributed Data Loop
GIF................ Graphics Interchange Format
GOP................ Group of Pictures (in MPEG standard)
HBR................ High Bit Rate
HDB3................High-density bipolar-3 Zeroes
HDTV................High-Definition Television
HTML................HyperText Markup Language
HTTP................HyperText Transfer Protocol
ICMP................I/P Control Message Protocol
IETF................Internet Engineering Task Force
IPMP................Intellectual Property Management and Protection........ | Part 13 (ISO/IEC 14496-13):..IPMP Extensions.
IPv6................Internet Protocol Version 6
ISDN................Integrated Services Digital Network
ISO................ International Standards Organization
ITU................ International Telecommunications Union
ITU-T.............. International Telecommunications Union – Telecommunications
JBIG................Joint Bilevel Image experts Group
JPEG................Joint Photographic Experts Group
KLT................ Karhenen Loeve Transform
LBR................ Low Bit Rate
LZW................ Lempel Ziv Welch
MBONE.............. Multicasting BackBONE
MIME................Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions.................... | an Internet Standard for the format of e-mail. Virtually all Internet e-mail is transmitted via SMTP in MIME format. Internet e-mail is so closely associated with the SMTP and MIME standards that it is sometimes called SMTP/MIME e-mail.
MIME................Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MJPEG.............. Motion JPEG
MMS................ Multimedia Messaging Service
MP4................ MPEG-4 file format
MPEG................Motion Picture Experts Group
Mbps................Megabits per second
NIC................ Network Interface Card
NTP................ Network Time Protocol......................................| keeps time in sync with all participating servers.
NTSC................National Television Standards Committee (U.S. TV standard)
NVOD................Near Video-on-Demand
PAL................ Phase Alternation Line (European TV standard)
PCI................ Peripheral Component Interconnect
PSS................ Packet-switched Streaming Service
PSTN................Public Switched Telephone Network
QoS................ Quality of Service
RAS................ Registration, Admissions and Status.
RGB................ Red-Green-Blue
RSVP................Resource Reservation Protocol
RTP................ Real-time Transport Protocol
RTP................ Real Time Protocol
RTSP................Real-Time Streaming Protocol
RTSP................Real Time Streaming Protocol
SCSI................Small Computer System Interface
SDP................ Session Description Protocol
SECAM.............. Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire (French TV standard)
SIF................ Standard Interchange Format
SMIL................Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language............... | It is a W3C Recommendation for describing multimedia presentations using the Extensible Markup Language (XML). It defines timing markup, layout markup, animations, visual transitions, and media embedding, among other things.
SPIFF.............. Still Picture Interchange File Format
SRTP................Secure Real-time Transport Protocol
SVHS................Super VHS
TCP/IP..............Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TIFF................Tagged Image File Format
UDP................ Universal Datagam Protocol
UDP................ User Datagram Protocol
VCR................ Video Cassette Recorder
VOD................ Video-on-Demand
XDSL................Digital Subscriber Loop
YCrCb.............. Luminance (Y), Color Differences Red Y (Cr), Blue Y (Cb)
YUV................ Luminance (Y), Hue (U), Saturation (V)
OLC................ Open Logical Channel
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
explanation for the name
"Alphazet"??? What the heck is that? Well, we know what alphabet is. Alphabet originated from A,b etc in Greek terms. So what if a dumbwit thinks the last letter in Greek alhapbet is zeta (following the anology from Zee in english)??? The results are blogs like alphazet. Ignorance is bliss indeed. Coupled with partial knowledge it could be devastating...
Anyways, happy reading....
Anyways, happy reading....
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